Azure DevOps
CI integration not available yet
MergeBoard does not yet support integration with the Azure DevOps CI. Please contact our support at if you need this feature.
In order to setup a webhook, go to your Azure DevOps repository and open Project settings in the left sidebar. Then click on Service hooks and on the plus symbol.

Dialog to configure a webhook in Azure DevOps.
Select the Web Hooks service and click Next. On the next page fill out the form as follows.
- Trigger on this type of event
Select the Code pushed event.
- Repository
Keep the default [Any].
- Branch
Keep the default [Any].
- Pushed by a member of group:
Keep the default [Any].
Click on Next to proceed to the third page.
Webhook URL ending with
. You get this URL by going to your project in MergeBoard, clicking on Remotes and then on the Remote you would like to integrate via webhook.- Accept untrusted SSL certificates
Keep this unchecked, unless you are running your own MergeBoard server without a proper SSL certificate, which is not recommended.
- Basic authentication username
Enter the text “mergeboard” (completely lowercase).
- Basic authentication password
Enter here the secret token as shown in MergeBoard.
- HTTP headers
Can be kept empty.
- Resource details to send
Keep the default All.
- Messages to send
Keep the default All.
- Detailed messages to send
Keep the default All.
- Resource Version
Select version 1.0.
Click on Test to verify that the configuration works as expected. Then click on Finish.