
The branches tab shows you all the branches of your repository. Here you can browse commits and view changes that have been made throughout the entire git history of the project. If you add multiple remotes to a project, the same branch name can appear multiple times (prefixed with the remote name).
Each entry in the list of branches shows you the branch name on top, below it the latest commit in that branch, its author and the time the commit was created. To the right you can find the status of the CI of the latest commit in that branch. A green check mark shows that the CI passed, a red cross that it failed. The CI status for the same commit can differ between different remotes.
By clicking on a branch’s name, you get to the list of all commits associated
with that branch.
Each commit is listed with its first line of the commit message, author and
creation date on the left and its hash on the right. Clicking the Browse
allows you to view the entire code base at the state of the commit.
Clicking the name of the commit displays all changes introduced by the commit.
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